Perk up "scanners" to keep them keen on your offerings—here's how

People are busy and often prefer scanning material instead of reading word-for-word. Help them!

Using subheadings and bolded text (sparingly) you can create a mini story within your message to:

  • Appeal to your ideal audience’s needs, concerns or desires
  • Present your offering as the ideal solution
  • Motivate your audience with a call to action

This method speeds up visitors' reading time as well as boosts their comprehension and retention. Recess Rocks’ (a grade K-5 fitness enrichment program) “Programs” page demonstrates this technique:

It’s not easy balancing academic requirements with children’s daily need for physical activity. Teachers and schools face many pressures to achieve high standards, and often sacrifice recess and physical education classes to help school children reach those goals. Yet young kids need time to run and play to stay alert, focused and cooperative.

How can your school or organization harmonize these needs? With Recess Rocks. Weaving together aerobic movements—like kickboxing and tae kwon do, swing and African drumming, tai chi and yoga—and joyful musical beats, the 1-30 minute sustained activities blend seamlessly into the school day and:

  • Get kids fit
  • Sharpen young minds
  • Encourage natural “feel-good” energy

Hop onto each program link to learn more!
{four colorful links follow, featuring each program}

If you read only the bolded text you’d know Recess Rocks helps kids in your care better balance academic and fitness goals; the bullets enhance your understanding. This information may be all a busy scanner needs to contact you, while additional language provides a fuller explanation for those who wish it.

Now take a peek at your brochure, website or flyer. How can you apply these formatting techniques to keep scanners alert and interested in what you have to offer?

Remember—take action now to improve your ideal audience connection.

Have a great week!


P.S. Is your copy full of long paragraphs? Would you know what's too long? Don't guess, contact me now for your free 30 minute evaluation of your project needs.