It's a New Year. Does your audience grasp how you can make it a good one?

Ahh, New Years’ Day—a symbolic, magical moment to create a fresh vision for your future. Time to pull yourself forward in your personal evolution and ponder, “What can I do now to create a better life by next year: complete a project, master a new skill, shed clutter, play more?”

Every opportunity to connect with your ideal audience is like New Year’s Day. When you reach out through your website or brochure, a print ad or on the radio, the moment brims with connection potential if people can envision how your product or service solves their problem or makes their lives easier, happier, more productive or more fulfilling. People gain confidence and move ahead in the buying process.

How do you boost connection potential? By emphasizing the benefits of your offerings in your written outreach.

Imagine you sell woodstoves and want to attract home owners in your community through direct mailings. If people are new to the idea of woodstoves, will BTUs, dimensions and fine particle emission rates draw them in? Probably not.  While these features are important to the selection process, the benefit of gathering with loved ones ‘round the woodstove for soul-satisfying warmth on a frosty night conjures up a much more appealing image people can relate to and care about.

Every time you describe your product or service, pop into your audience’s shoes and ask, “What’s in it for me?” and “Why should I care?” That’s an effective way to deduce benefits—and find the right words to help your audience envision improving their lives when they connect with you.

Many good wishes for a peaceful, healthy and rewarding New Year:)


P.S. Does your website appeal to your ideal audience? Find out with a one-hour, personalized website review, and gain fresh ideas designed to:

  • Clarify and enhance your written content
  • Build trust and rapport with your ideal audience
  • Motivate your audience to contact you

Contact me to learn more!